High input voltage (600Vdc) liquid cooled DC-DC converter offers wide input range (400Vdc to 800Vdc)

2000W liquid cooled, high input voltage DC-DC converter provides a high power density solution for enclosed spaces where heatsinks, fans and pure convection are not cooling options.
ABSOPULSE Electronics’ new LQC 2K-3U2LC liquid cooled, industrial quality DC-DC converter employs field-proven KHI1300 and FIS2000 topology to deliver up to 2000W output power. The unit accepts 600Vdc input, 400Vdc to 800Vdc operating input range and provides 24Vdc/80A output. A built-in output separation diode allows parallel connection of several units to achieve higher output power. Custom input/output voltages are available. The unit is equipped with an output-fail alarm and Form C contacts are available on request. Optional remote shutdown or enable are also available.
The LQC 2K-3U2LC liquid cooled converter delivers a quiet, high power density, efficient power conversion solution for dense enclosed spaces where heatsinks, fan or pure convection cooling are not feasible. The converter is suitable for use in vehicles, industrial automation and similar applications.

The liquid cooled converter is connected to the customer cooling system via an external coolant inlet and outlet.
The LQC 2K-3U2LC converter is cooled entirely by liquid coolant. The cold plate has an embedded tube running a loop of coolant liquid, which ensures a -25ºC to +50ºC coolant temperature range for full specification. Liquid coolant is kept completely separate from the power supply. The unit is connected to the external customer cooling system via an external coolant inlet and outlet; the liquid coolant is provided by customer. Optional internal temperature sensors can be installed to monitor the liquid coolant temperature. The internal modules are fully or partially potted for improved thermal transfer and for immunity to shock and vibration.
The liquid cooled converters are equipped with heavy filtering on the input and output, which contributes to low noise. This ensures that the converters can be used in EMI sensitive environments without additional filtering. The input meets EN55032 Class A with wide margins; Class B is available as an option.
To ensure high reliability and long operating life, all critical components on the primary side are designed and tested for corona inception levels that are significantly higher than the operating voltages. The design is verified for 5600Vdc input to output isolation and production level testing is 4300Vdc input to output. Other protection features include inrush current limiting, reverse polarity protection, and overload and overvoltage protection. They meet the requirements of EN60950-1, IEC61010 and corresponding industrial standards.
The compact liquid cooled unit measure132 x 147 x 379 mm (H x W x D) excluding mounting flanges, water inlets, connectors and terminals. Rugged construction ensures immunity to shock and vibration (IEC 61373 Cat 1 A&B) for operation in extreme environments.
To discuss this liquid cooled converter or any of your power conversion requirements, contact us.
Key Specifications
- Input: 600Vdc nominal (400Vdc to 800Vdc operating range);
- Output: 24Vdc/80A or custom;
- 2000W continuous output power;
- Cooling by liquid coolant provided by customer;
- -25ºC to +50ºC coolant temperature for full specification;
- EMI: EN 55032 Class A (Class B optional);
- Designed to comply with EN/IEC 61010-1 and EN 60950-1;
- 85% efficiency at full load;
- Full electronic protection;
- Mechanical package 3U2LC: 132 x 147 x 379 mm (5.2” x 5.8” x 15”) H x W x D.
Data sheet – LQC 2K-3U2LC liquid cooled DC-DC converter
Your requirements – Request a Quotation
Copyright © ABSOPULSE Electronics Ltd.
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Electronic Specifier
Embedded Computing Design
Power Electronics News
Power Systems Design